Market Screener

Filter and sort digital assets based on various technical and fundamental criteria to identify potential investment opportunities. Create custom watchlists and monitor market trends with ease.

Application Overview

RADAR's Market Screener is a powerful tool designed to help users identify profitable trade ideas with lightning speed. By allowing users to apply a wide range of filters, such as price performance, technical indicators, on-chain statistics, sectors, sub-sectors, and sentiment from news, Twitter, and Reddit, the Market Screener application makes it easy to discover and capitalize on the most promising digital assets.

Application Features

Usage Examples

Find digital assets that are experiencing a positive price change and are trading above their SMA and EMA.

Identify potential opportunities within specific sectors or sub-sectors that are outperforming the broader market.

Discover digital assets with strong on-chain statistics, such as active addresses or transaction volume, that may indicate growing adoption.

Uncover hidden gems by filtering digital assets based on positive sentiment from news, Twitter, and Reddit.

How-to Guide

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