Exchange, Custodian & Wallet Integrations
Aggregate portfolio holdings from multiple exchanges, wallet providers, and blockchains for comprehensive portfolio and risk management. Connect with popular platforms for seamless data access.
Application Overview
PRISM's crypto exchange, custodian, and wallet integrations enable seamless connectivity and interoperability for real-time risk management and portfolio monitoring. This comprehensive integration facilitates efficient portfolio management, real-time data access, and streamlined transaction processing, allowing users to manage their digital assets holdings more effectively.
Application Features
| Broad Compatibility
PRISM's integration supports a wide range of crypto exchanges, wallets, and blockchain networks, ensuring comprehensive coverage and compatibility with your preferred platforms.
| Real-time Data Access
Stay up-to-date with the latest market data, account balances, and transaction histories, as PRISM's integration provides real-time access to relevant information across supported exchanges, wallets, and blockchain networks.
| Efficient Portfolio Management
Easily manage your digital assets across multiple platforms by consolidating all holdings and transactions within PRISM, providing a unified view of your entire crypto portfolio.
| Enhanced Security
PRISM's integration ensures the highest security standards, safeguarding your digital assets and personal information throughout the entire process.
Usage Examples
A user with multiple accounts on various crypto exchanges and wallets can leverage PRISM's Crypto Exchange, Wallet and Blockchain Integration to consolidate their holdings and transactions in one place. This unified view of their entire crypto portfolio helps the user better understand their exposure to specific assets and track overall performance. Additionally, the user can monitor asset transfers securely and efficiently across different platforms, enhancing their overall portfolio and risk management experience.
How-to Guide
Exchange | Accounts | Positions | Transactions |
Last updated